sobota 13. února 2010

" Love Is In The Air " Free Valentin Collab

Keď roku 269 ,presne 14.februára , písal kňaz Valentín posledný zaľúbený list svojej milej , určite netušil ,že sa tento deň stane sviatkom "sv.Valentína " či
" Sviatkom všetkých zamilovaných " .
A preto sme sa aj my na jeho počesť nechali inšpirovať pesničkou
" Love Is In The Air " od Johna Paula Younga a na tento deň sme pre vás pripravili valentínsky collab .

In the year 269, exactly 14th of February, wrote Pastor Valentin the last lovely letter his love, he didnt think that, this day will be celebrating "st. valentin" or "celebrating of all Fall in Love".
And there we too inspirated with song " Love in in the Air ". From song and this we´ve prepared for you Valentines collab.

Love is in the air everywhere I look around love is in the air
every sight and every sound and I don't know if I'm being
foolish don't know if I'm being wise but it's something that I
must believe in and it's there when I look in your eyes.

Love is in the air, in the whisper of the tree, love is in the
air in the thunder of the sea, and I don't know if I'm just
dreaming, don't know if I feel safe, but it's something that I
must believe in and it's there when you call out my name.

Collab je plný krásnych 135 emelentov , 38 papierov ,14 masiek a 16 WA.

Collab is full of beautiful 135 elements, 38 papers, 14 photomasks and 16 WA.

Měla jsem to štěstí, že mě holky přibraly do party, takže jsem se na tomto collabu podílela, celý ke stažení je zde: Collab girls

Přeji příjemné tvoření :-)

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